Friday 28 April 2017


Dear families,
In April we celebrated the Book day and I would like to encourage your children to start reading in English.
There is a great opportunity to enjoy and learn this weekend at the 52 Feria del Libro in Valencia with a storytelling in English for free. 
WHEN? Sunday 30th April at 11:30h.
WHERE? On the main stage at Jardines de Viveros, 52 Feria del Libro.

John Harrop, an amazing teacher from Liverpool, will read a version of the GingerBread Man.

You can be there a little bit earlier to make and colour a GingerBread Man made from cardboard to use it during the story.

Right after, I recommend you to visit the stand 09-10 ENGLISH WOOKS. It is a bookshop where you can find many interesting stories to read with the little ones and encourage them to read for pleasure.

See you on Sunday, butterflies!!!

Tuesday 11 April 2017


Last month we went to the THEATRE to enjoy a funny play.
 It was…
IGLOO by Forum Theatre & Education.

We met Yuki, an eskimo that lives in the North Pole, with his mummy Narumi and his friends Nala and Pongo.

We had so much fun at the theatre singing and dancing in the North Pole.

Here you are some pictures of the play and, specially, of the actors and actresses we saw acting. They were brilliant.
Do you recognise them?

It was a great great day!!! 

Bye bye butterflies! 

Teacher Julia

Monday 10 April 2017

All about RED!

It's spring time and we are revising and learning the colours, mainly in pre-school.
Let's start with my favourite colour: RED!
Do you know who is always wearing a red riding cloak?
YES! You're right it is Little Red Riding Hood!
Listen to the STORY
Let's work a little bit on PHONICS.
I've found this interesting site to focus on them while you are learning new vocabulary.
Click on the following sites to start! 

Now you can practise colour sorting by playing this funny GAME!
To finish you can sing these beautiful SONGS

Hope you enjoy it! 
Bye bye butterflies!
Teacher Julia

Let's Make a Pizza!

Do you like cooking? 
In Year 2 we've been learning about food and drinks.
Most of us really love pizza, so preheat your oven and make a delicious pizza with your favourite toppings. 
Click here PIZZA GAME!to start.

Then listen to the SONGLet's make a pizza” from Maple Leaf Learning.

Do you like pizza?

Print your pizza worksheet, write and draw your ingredients and make a yummy pizza!!

Look at my favourite pizza.

I like pepperoni, mushrooms, cheese and pepper.

What about you?

Bye bye butterflies!

Teacher Julia

Tuesday 4 April 2017

In the jungle

In Year 1 we learnt how to describe wild animals. Here are some interesting resources to practice and extend the related content of the unit.

SONG Walking in the jungle from Super Simple Songs

Let's revise some actions and animals, dancing and singing that song!

STORY Giraffes can't dance by Giles Andreae

Do you remember Gerald, the giraffe?

There is a great message in that story about respecting differences and finding one's own rhythm.

As Gerald learnt, we can do anything if we put our minds and efforts to do it!


Click and find many interactive games to learn about animals.

Hope you enjoy it! Bye bye butterflies!
 Teacher Julia